AMD Systems
California Digital offers dual
Opteron servers in dual-processor 1U and quad-processor 2U
configurations. Dual-core Opterons (x65, x70, or x75) are
supported in either configuration, allowing one to have 4
or 8 processor cores per server. Traditional single-core
processors (x48, x50, or x52) remain available. All
systems, of course, provide 64-bit addressing and hence can support
16GB or 32GB (for the 8240) of physical RAM.
All California Digital servers
include our comprehensive Total Linux Coverage (TLC)
package, which provides system-level Linux operating system support.
Addiitonally, any clusters purchased through California
Digital include Total Cluster Coverage, an extyension of
TLC support to include cluster operation.
Total Cluster Coverage provides support not
only for cluster compute nodes, but also for operating
system and MPI configuration, network hardware, compilers,
management software, storage subsystems, and all other aspects of a
California Digital cluster.
Digital's 1720 combines dual Opteron processor
technology with up to 16GB of RAM to make a highly cost-effective
yet scalable and powerful server for the most demanding applications.
Digital's 8240 brings quad dual-core Opteron processors
and up to 32GB of RAM together in a compact yet
well-cooled chassis for compute- and memory-intensive
applications like databases and engineering modeling.
Digital's 9316 provides 5TB of usable RAID-5
SATA storage. The 9316 boasts dual RAID controllers,
redundant power supplies and hot swap fans, removable
SATA drives, and expansion slots for specialized
networking. |